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Top 3 Ways to Save Money on Florida Homeowners Insurance

19 Nov
Florida Sunshine State

While home insurance in Florida is expensive, it doesn’t have to be a budget buster. Here are a few tips on how to save money on your homeowners insurance policy: Shop Around: Shopping your coverage is one of the best ways to keep your premium affordable. Experts recommend shopping your insurance on an annual basis. […]

Bracing for South Carolina’s Devastating Floods

06 Oct
South Carolina Rain Fall Totals

The rain just keeps coming in South Carolina. According to a CNN report, Gov Nikki Haley recently claimed, “We are at a 1,000-year level of rain,” which means that there is a 1 in 1,000 chance of this much rain happening in any given year. The record setting rainfall has dropped 24 inches of rain […]

Homeowners in high fire-risk areas are upset over soaring insurance rates

16 Sep
Fire risk and increased home insurance rates

According to a recent article in the Los Angeles Times, the Stoffan family in Greeley Hill, California has seen their homeowners insurance cost double to $5,100 in a year due to the fire risk in their area. This is despite the fact that they added a 50-foot lawn buffer around the house and even installed […]

Homeowner’s Insurance Went Up? Credit Rating Could be the Problem

02 Sep

As most people are aware, your credit score can have a huge effect on your life these days. Your credit score can positively, or negatively affect everything from the interest rate you are charged on your mortgage to a background check for a new job. In addition, it can have a huge effect on your […]

Tips to Protect Your Home from Hurricanes in 2015

10 Aug
2015 Hurricane Risk Map

We are smack dap in the middle of hurricane season and if you live in an area where hurricanes are likely, preparing your home and family for the big one is important. Hurricanes can cause a tremendous amount of damage in a very short period of time. The costliest hurricane ever recorded, Hurricane Katrina in […]

Homeowners Can Spend Over $9K a Year in Hidden Costs

23 Jun

Finding the perfect house, getting a mortgage and moving in are just the start of the expenses you will have to deal with as a brand new homeowner. The actual amount that you will have to pay above and beyond the mortgage payment will vary but a new analysis by Zillow and Thumbtack discovered some […]

How Pests Affects Homes, Your Insurance Policy & Your Savings

10 Jun
Pests Affecting Your Homeowners Insurance Policy

Household pests can take many forms. Everything from termites to mice, raccoons, birds, bats and rats just to name a few. While most of them are small, they can cause serious damage to your house, damage that will probably not be covered by your homeowners insurance. Insurance companies consider the majority of pest infestations and […]

Why Do Homeowner Insurance Deductibles Vary by State?

04 Jun

Experts have been saying for years that one of the best ways to save money on your homeowners insurance is to raise your deductible. A new study commissioned by confirms this advice, but the savings can vary dramatically depending on what state you call home. The study used a hypothetical two-story family home, which […]

What Is Force-Placed Insurance Coverage?

14 May
What is Forced-Placed Insurance Coverage?

Tucked away in your mortgage, hidden in the small print, is a little surprise that could cost you big, but only if you fail to keep your homeowners insurance premiums up to date. Every mortgage ever written specifies that the homeowner must carry homeowners coverage in certain dollar amounts. In most cases the house must […]

The Average Cost of Homeowner Insurance. Are You Paying Too Much?

07 Apr

In the last couple of years the cost of homeowners insurance has been going up for just about everyone. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) found that nationwide, premiums jumped up 7.6 percent in 2011 and another 5.7 percent in 2012. This translates into a $137 bump in just two years. Where You Live […]