In the event of a major burglary, fire, flood or other disaster that severely damages your home, one of the first thoughts that will probably go through your head is about your insurance policy. You assume you are covered, call your agent, file a claim, only to get a letter in the mail a few […]
Archive | Homeowners Insurance
RSS feed for this sectionBuying a Home? First Review Common Questions about Escrow
You scoured the market and found the perfect house for you and your family. Your offer was accepted and it’s finally closing day. The last step in purchasing a house can be complicated and is a process you should go into with open eyes and complete understanding. One of the more confusing aspects of a […]
Some Home Improvement Projects That Cannot Increase The Resale Value Of Your Home
Tax refunds are on the way, which means that many of us will have a little extra coin in our pocket soon. One great way to invest your windfall is to sink it into your house. Whether you update your kitchen, add a bedroom or just repaint your exterior spending money on your home will […]
2015 List of Tax Breaks for Homeowners
The dreaded tax season is upon us again so collect your receipts, dig out those W-2s and get ready to hunker down. Luckily, as a homeowner, you are entitled to a few tax breaks that will drive down your tax bill and maybe put you into refund territory. Lets have a quick look at the […]
Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange Report Can Raise Your Homeowners Rates
Here is something that may come as a surprise to most homeowners – an insurance claim made by a previous owner could affect your premium. If you are unaware of this unfortunate fact, you are not alone. According to a survey done by, 75 percent of respondents were unaware that previous owners claims could […]
Owning a home makes you a better driver
Are homeowners safer drivers? It seems possible according to a new study by The data shows that homeowners tend to file fewer auto insurance claims then non-homeowners. The majority of auto insurers take homeownership into account when determining rates for new customers. In almost all cases, homeowners will pay less than renters for auto […]
State (NC) Rejects Proposed Homeowners Insurance Increase
North Carolina homeowners are getting a reprieve from higher premiums, at least for another year. Insurance companies who were hoping their request for a 25 percent increase would be approved were disappointed recently when the state regulator agreed to a zero percent increase. Wayne Goodwin, the Insurance Commissioner in North Carolina said, “I found no […]
Protect Your Home From Pricey Winter Problems
Winter seems to be in full force and with it comes winter related damage that can affect your home. According to the Insurance Information Institute, winter related damage is the third-largest cause of property loss. Unfortunately, some of it may not be covered by your homeowners policy. Making yourself aware of the potential pitfalls that […]
Tips for a Successful Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is just a few days and while it is a great time to gather your family, enjoy a delicious meal and contemplate everything you are thankful for, the quickest way to ruin the holiday is having to make a homeowners claim. A full house and a hot oven can lead to slips, trips, and […]
Fire Pits are a Hot Trend for Backyards Are they covered?
Winter is getting closer every day but just because the temperatures are dropping and the snow will be flying doesn’t mean you have to close up your backyard. A fire pit can make a cold evening an enjoyable adventure and according to landscaping experts, fire pits are gaining in popularity and are a hot choice […]