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Making Sense of the Hullaballoo Around Home Value Protection Insurance in Georgia

09 Apr

It banged loudly to be let in. It screamed for attention and managed to hog the headlines whilst it was around. And then it sank almost without a whimper. Many market watchers, financial pundits, and industry analysts hailed Home Value Protection as the most innovative and considerate home insurance product to have hit the market […]

Factors that Have Triggered Hikes in Georgia Home Insurance Rates: Climate and Roofing Fraud

21 Mar
Georgia Homeowners Insurance Claims & Rates

Homeowners in Georgia are having a tough go in the last few years. In the recent past, home insurance rates in Georgia have increased by leaps and bounds and two factors that have largely triggered these hikes are the state’s peculiar climate and a flurry of roofing frauds. A discussion below delves into the curious […]

Developments in the Home Insurance Market in Georgia in the Past Year

15 Mar
With recent rate increases, homeowners in Georgia began shopping for better rates.

Homeowners in Georgia always have a keen eye turned towards the developments taking place in the insurance market. After all, their homes are most likely their most valuable material asset. The developments that take place in the home insurance market during a certain time period usually are precursors to how things will shape up in […]

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Meteor Hits?

27 Feb
Homeowners Insurance and Meteor Damage

The world watched amazed as photographs and videos of the meteor strike in Siberia filtered into their televisions and tablets. Close to 300 buildings were damaged and more than 500 people were injured in this incident. While these images prompted researchers to peer more closely into their telescopes and carry out some more calculations, the […]

An Ominous Signal (for some): Is Life Insurance a Thing of the Past?

13 Feb

Recent news coverage and market reports seem to suggest that life insurance may soon become a thing of the past; and worldwide insurance companies are struggling to stop their frustrated customers from surrendering their policies! Some of the major players have either downsized by selling large chunks of their businesses or they have simply disappeared […]

Now You can Buy Health Insurance Off the Store Shelf

06 Feb
UnitedHealth Group

UnitedHealth Group (UNH), the biggest medical insurance provider in the United States, has just tweaked the rules of the marketplace. Courtesy a novel initiative, people can now buy their health insurance plans from a UNH store. This is however, a calculated move. The Affordable Care Act has made health insurance affordable for many but has […]

Federal Flood Insurance Program in the Eye of the Storm

01 Feb
Hurricane Sandy Flooded Homes

The pun is purely unintended but that is what the shape of things with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is right now! And homeowners are a worried lot, especially after realizing the catastrophe that hurricanes like Katrina and Sandy are capable of unleashing. The irony of the situation is that although this program was […]

Why Home Insurance King?

07 Jan

Home Insurance King launched to help make it easier for homeowners that are shopping on the Internet for home insurance. On, you can find the tools and resources to help you make the best decisions when it comes to buying or renewing a home insurance policy. We provide FAQs, tools and content that helps […]