Everybody has a credit score these days and it can have a huge impact on your financial life. A good or bad score can affect everything from the rate you pay on a mortgage to the cost of insuring your home. Achieving, and maintaining a good credit score takes work and financial discipline but the […]
Homeowners Insurance Blog
Sinkholes and Earthquakes Are Not Covered by Your Homeowners Insurance Policy
When it comes to homeowners insurance there are some perils that are not covered and others that use a different deductible formula. Clearly understanding your policy is key to making sure you are fully protected in the event that disaster strikes. Here are a few common items that are not covered by a standard homeowners […]
Giving Back This Christmas Season of 2015!
At HomeInsuranceKing.com we value and appreciate the homeowners throughout the United States that we serve. In 2015 we are so glad to help over 100,000 visitors to our website find the rates, information and resources they needed. Our customers enjoy our Homeowners Blog, FAQs, Tools and most of all our Online Quoting Application, we are so happy to provide […]
Drone Gifts May Become a Home Insurance Problem This Christmas
If you are getting, or giving a drone for the holidays you may want to contact your home insurance agent before sending it up into the air for the first time. According to industry experts, drone sales are expected to come in at more than $100 million dollars in 2015. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) […]
Holiday Parties Can Lead to Unaware Legal Liability Accidents
According to a survey by the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America, one third of all homeowners are unaware that they can be found legally liable if an intoxicated guest from their holiday party causes a car crash. In most states, the courts will rule against holiday party hosts where alcohol is provided to […]
Homeowners Urged to Check for Home-heating Oil Leaks
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is asking homeowners who use fuel oil to heat their homes to check their systems for leaks as we move into the winter season. According to state data, more than 2 million homes in New York State are heated by fuel oil. Every year, the DEC […]
Don’t Be a Victim of Christmas Crime; Be Prepared!
The Christmas season is now upon us, the stockings are hanging from the mantel and gifts are piled up under the tree. While nobody ever thinks they are going to be the victim of Christmas crime, it happens more often than you think. Regardless of whether your Christmas presents are stolen from under the tree […]
Adding ID Theft Protection to Your Homeowners Insurance Policy
There have been a number of high-profile data breaches this year. Every time another big box store gets hit, consumers look for ways to protect themselves from identity theft. While joining a credit monitoring service is a common solution and a great way to help spot and stop credit fraud quickly, there are other options […]
Texas Insurance Gets More Expensive For Homeowners
Texas is currently the third most expensive state for homeowners insurance in the nation. Annual premiums average roughly $1,745 a year. Unfortunately those costs are set to climb even higher in the near future. Statistics released from The Texas Department of Insurance shows that the average premium for homeowner’s insurance policy climbed more than 26% […]
Top 3 Ways to Save Money on Florida Homeowners Insurance
While home insurance in Florida is expensive, it doesn’t have to be a budget buster. Here are a few tips on how to save money on your homeowners insurance policy: Shop Around: Shopping your coverage is one of the best ways to keep your premium affordable. Experts recommend shopping your insurance on an annual basis. […]