Tag Archives: CLUE

Before You Buy, Easily Check The History Of Your Home With CLUE!

04 Aug
Using CLUE to research new home

Shopping for a new home is always a challenge and fraught with pitfalls. While the house may look perfect on paper there can be major expenses lurking in the walls or mechanicals. It’s always a good idea to check into the history of the home before closing on any house. Luckily there is a tool […]

Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange Report Can Raise Your Homeowners Rates

21 Jan
CLUE Underwriting exchange report for homeowners insurance rates.

Here is something that may come as a surprise to most homeowners – an insurance claim made by a previous owner could affect your premium. If you are unaware of this unfortunate fact, you are not alone. According to a survey done by insuranceQuotes.com, 75 percent of respondents were unaware that previous owners claims could […]