Tag Archives: coverage

2025 List of States Where Finding Home Insurance Is Most Difficult and Why

11 Mar

Homeowners insurance is a necessity if you own a home, particularly if you are currently carrying a mortgage. Mortgage lenders require homeowners insurance to protect their investment in your home by always carrying homeowners insurance.  If your insurance is cancelled or you are non-renewed it can be a huge problem. As wildfires and major windstorms […]

2025 – Study Shows Home Insurance Market Stabilizing

11 Dec

According to a new report from Matic, the homeowner’s insurance market has shown signs of stabilizing roughly two years after major premium hikes and coverage challenges.  Even though premiums are high, trends in the insurance industry show that a slowdown in premium growth may be coming. Here is a brief overview of the report and […]

Are homeowners insurance companies increasing deductibles? 

22 Aug

This year many homeowner insurance companies have been raising their homeowner percentage deductible from 1% to 2% which could be a massive increase for policyholders who have to make a claim on their policy. It has led to many homeowners shopping their coverage as their out-of-pocket costs skyrocket.   As the cost of claims increases, particularly […]

What happens to my mortgage if my homeowners policy gets cancelled?

18 Jul

As more and more insurance companies stop writing policies in certain markets or cancel existing policyholders they find too big of a risk, homeowners are finding their policies cancelled or non renewed. While a cancelled policy is a shock, it doesn’t mean you need to panic.  Following is a brief overview of what to do […]

North Carolina Joint Underwriters and Wind Pool Map Explained

05 Jun
North Carolina Coastal Counties

North Carolina is a lovely state to call home. Our state is packed with beautiful cities, museums, restaurants and of course, some of the loveliest beaches in the country. Unfortunately, if you live in one of our amazing coastal southern cities such as Ocean Isle Beach, Sunset Beach, Oak Island Beach, Calabash, Bald Head Island, […]

Should I raise my deductible to $10,000 to help offset the cost of rising premiums?

15 May

According to industry reports, homeowners are raising their deductibles to $5,000 to $10,000 to help offset the cost of rising premiums.  While raising a deductible into the stratosphere will absolutely lower your homeowner insurance premium, it does mean that you will have to cover your deductible amount in the event you have to make a […]

Should I choose the minimum or maximum homeowners insurance coverage?

13 May

As homeowner insurance rates rise across the country, some homeowners are opting for policies that offer minimal coverage to keep their premiums affordable. Unfortunately, this choice will leave them at higher risk and in a position where they may have to pay more out of pocket if they have to make a claim on their […]

North Carolina Coastal Home Insurance Rates

29 Mar
NC Coastal Home Insurance Premiums

North Carolina is a fantastic place to live with plenty of cultural activities, beautiful beaches, world-class cities as well as great restaurants and shopping. The only disadvantage to living in North Carolina, particularly if your home is located in coastal area is the cost of homeowners insurance. The average premium for a standard homeowners insurance […]

Coastal South Carolina Home Insurance Rates

30 Dec
Coastal Charleston, South Carolina

South Carolina is an amazing place to call home. It is overflowing with world-class cities, beautiful beaches, museums, and restaurants. It is truly a wonderful place to live. Unfortunately, some of our beautiful coastal cities, Myrtle Beach, Charleston and Hilton Head as an example come with some pretty high homeowners insurance premiums if you live […]