Tag Archives: florida

Florida Seeing Major Homeowner Insurance Rate Increases

29 Sep

Florida gains about 300,000 new residents every year and 2020 has been no exception, despite the challenges of the pandemic. Unfortunately, many of those new residents, as well as longtime residents of the Sunshine State will be looking at major homeowner insurance rate increases in the coming years.  Florida is on the verge of large […]

Florida’s Windhaven Insurance is Ceasing all New and Renewal Business

04 Mar

Another sign of Florida’s troubled property insurance market popped up this week as Windhaven Insurance alerted employees and agents that it is winding down and its assets are being foreclosed on by their lender who will eventually sell the company to another insurer.  Windhaven’s problems extend beyond Florida, Windhaven National Insurance Co. which is a […]

FEMA is Reviewing and Changing Flood Maps and Risk Zones in South Florida

06 Feb

North End of Palm Beach, Florida, aerial view of the inlet and what locals call Peanut Island, and the Port of Palm Beach If you live in South Florida and are not carrying flood insurance, you may be required to change that soon. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is currently changing flood maps for […]

Florida Homeowners Insurance Rates Will Continue to Rise Next Year

07 Nov

Homeowner insurance rates for many Florida homeowners will continue to rise next year, despite the fact that reforms were put in place last spring to help curtail Assignment of Benefits (AOB) lawsuits brought by contractors and their attorney partners.  Unfortunately, instead of heading down, the number of lawsuits filed against insurance companies has actually increased […]

Floridians Concerned about Hurricane Season

11 Jun

A recent AAA survey found that Floridians are becoming more concerned about this year’s hurricane season after four major storms have hit in the past three years, the worst of which was a category five storm last year. Recent storms, Florence, Michael, Harvey, Irma and Maria have caused $200 billion in damages according to Floodsmart.gov. […]

Great News for Florida Homeowners Insurance Rates

20 May

Finally, some good news for Florida homeowners when it comes to the cost to insure their homes. Sunshine State residents have seen their insurance premiums go up dramatically over the last decade. In fact, according to Insurance.com, Florida has the most expensive homeowners insurance premiums in the country with an average premium of $3,575. If […]

Florida up 70% in the Number of AOB Filings Over the Past Decade

05 Apr

While the assignment of benefits (AOB) form is a pretty standard practice in the United States insurance industry, rampant fraud in Florida has led to a shocking increase in the number of AOB filings over the past decade.  An AOB contract signs over your insurance benefits to a third party such as a contractor or […]

Florida Contractors Slam AOB Measures Favoring Insurance Companies

28 Mar

Recently, the Restoration Association of Florida (RAF) responded to two bills moving through the Florida Legislature that could affect the assignment of benefits (AOB) process.  RAF stands in opposition to the bills (SB 122 and HB 7065), saying they fail to address the needs of both homeowners and contractors. RAF hosted a panel of attorneys, […]

Thousands of Homeowners in Florida Have Drop Coverage

06 Mar

Homeowners that have a mortgage on their home are required to carry homeowners insurance in order to protect the invest their mortgage lender has made in their home but once that mortgage is paid off, homeowners are free to dump their insurance.  Unfortunately, thousands of people in Florida have made the decision to drop their […]