Tag Archives: homeowners insurance

Who covers my office equipment when working from home?

07 Jan

In a recent Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article, John Sebak, owner of Sebak Insurance Agency in Natrona Heights detailed a recent claim he dealt with that involved a person working from home who was in a car accident that destroyed his work computer. The question the claim presented was does the employer’s insurance cover the laptop or […]

Is tornado damage covered by homeowners insurance?

17 Dec

According to statistics, the United States sees about 1,000 tornadoes every year. These storms end up causing roughly $17 billion damage in property damage each year which is why carrying the proper amount of homeowners insurance is a necessity. Tornadoes can cause life changing damage and if you are uninsured or underinsured you may end […]

Angry Florida Homeowners See Shocking Increases in Costs Over the Last Year

20 Nov

Angry Florida homeowners have seen shocking increases to their homeowner insurance costs over the last year and are now putting pressure on state lawmakers to step up and help lower the sky-high cost of property insurance in the Sunshine State.  Property owners have seen premium hikes as high as 30% to 40% at policy renewal. […]

Hey Millennials! Here is Your Insurance Checklist

16 Nov

Recommended insurance coverages can vary and change as you age, start a family and acquire more assets. We thought it might be fun to take a look at what insurance millennials should be carrying.  Millennials are defined as adults between the ages of 23 and 39 years old in 2020. Here is a quick rundown […]

California Homeowners Now Protected from Canceled Policies due to Fire Risk

12 Nov

On September 9 2020, a thick orange haze above San Francisco, CA from wildfires. This photo is a daytime view of ash and smoke floating over the Bay Area. Recently, the California Department of Insurance released a list of 518 zip codes within or adjacent to this year’s wildfires where insurance companies are no longer […]

Does home insurance cover my broken appliances?

05 Nov

While homeowners insurance offers protection for your home in the event of an accident or catastrophic loss it also protects the contents of your home, but does that include appliances? The answer to that question will depend on what happened to your appliance. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about homeowners insurance […]

What can increase the cost of your homeowners insurance?

28 Oct

If you are in the market for a house, the cost of homeowners insurance is probably not your number one priority but some homes come with risks that could dramatically up the cost of insuring your new home. Knowing what risks can be an insurance issue with a home can help you save not only […]

Is COVID-19 Having a Negative Impact on Homeowners Insurance?

23 Oct

A recent survey of 1,000 U.S. homeowners, which was conducted by Hippo Insurance and SimpliSafe looked at how the pandemic was impacting homeowners across the country. It found that COVID-19 has had a dramatic impact on everyone’s life as well as the fact that homeowners are both anxious and paying closer attention to their homes then […]

Americans are at Risk for Earthquake Damage

24 Sep

According to a recent report from the United States Geological Survey, roughly half of all Americans are at risk for earthquake damage. The data shows that 143 million Americans live and work in areas that have at least some potential for earthquake shaking that could possibly damage houses and buildings. This breaks down to 57 […]