Tag Archives: homeowners

Are Homeowners Happy with Their Home Insurance Provider?

23 Aug
Happy Homeowners Insurance Customers

A recent study by Clearsurance took a look at how happy homeowners are with their insurer and found that the residents of West Virginia were happiest when it came to their homeowners insurance while the people of Florida were the least happy. The scores were based on user reviews and ratings of their overall experience […]

California Wildfires: Complaints and Non-Renewals Are Increasing

22 Aug
Prevent California Wildfires

Another historic year of wildfires and the incredible damage they do could make it harder for California homeowners to find affordable insurance or in some counties, any insurance at all. According to the California Department of Insurance, several major insurance companies have stopped writing new policies and are no longer renewing policies in the most […]

What Does Your Homeowners Policy Cover in Disasters? Often, Not Enough

08 Aug
Home Insurance Policy Coverage

While cleaning up the mess at your home (assuming it is still standing) after a hurricane, tornado, wildfire or other natural disaster is always painful, there may be more agony lurking in the shadows. One of the major problems in the aftermath of a hurricane or wildfire is homeowners who were underinsured or did not […]

How the Florida Insurance Industry Hopes to Rein In AOB Crisis

30 Jul
Florida Insurance AOB Crisis

Industry experts, at a recent Insurance Journal webinar looked at ways to battle AOB (assignment of benefits) fraud that is pushing up the cost of homeowners insurance in Florida. “I think the number one thing the insurance industry can do is link AOB (assignment of benefits) to the impact that it’s having on the individual […]

Survey: Florida Homeowners Still Not Prepared for Hurricane Season

02 Jul
Florida unprepared for hurricane season

According to a recent survey by the FAIR Foundation, the majority of Floridians are still not prepared for the 2018 hurricane season. The survey found that while over three-quarters of Floridians expressed concern about potential hurricanes this season only half have reviewed their homeowner insurance policies to make sure they are properly protected. The survey […]

Florida’s Citizens Delays Decision on Proposed 2019 Rate Increases

27 Jun
Citizens Property Insurance Corporation

Florida’s Citizens Property Insurance Corp is waiting until December to set its 2019 insurance rates and decide whether it will approve a 7.9 percent statewide increase for homeowners insurance. It was decided to postpone the increase at a recent Board of Governors meeting. Florida Citizens decided to defer the decision to allow time to review […]

Top Questions to Ask a Mortgage Broker

23 May
Asking your mortgage broker

Purchasing a home is a major undertaking and getting a mortgage is one of the first steps in making your dream a reality. Mortgages can be complicated and understanding all of the terms and conditions of a home mortgage can be confusing. We compiled some of the most common questions that new homeowners have about […]

The Best Reasons Why You Need Replacement Value

23 May
Replacement Value

When shopping for a homeowners insurance policy you may be asked whether you want an actual cash value or replacement value policy. Many homeowners are unaware of the difference in these types of policies and that confusion can result in a costly mistake. We thought it might be a good idea to have a look […]

Florida Homeowners Insurance Companies Charge different Premiums for Homes of the Same Value and Location

02 May
Different home insurance rates

Gavop, a real estate, housing news, and research service recently examined the latest information being released from the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation and found that insurers across the state (but especially in the Miami-Dade area) are charging drastically different premiums for homes that fall into the same value range and location. In the Miami-Dade […]