Tag Archives: homeowners

Shortage of Adjusters and Contractors in Florida Causes Headaches for Homeowners

20 Dec
Finding Contractors in Florida for home repairs.

It turns out that filing an insurance claim in Florida related to Irma is the easy part for many homeowners. Getting an adjuster to sign off on the final costs and locating a contractor to make the actual repairs is much harder. According to a recent article in the Sun Sentinel, one homeowner in Miami […]

Florida to get $615 million in federal relief for Hurricane Irma

11 Dec
Florida Homeowners Insurance Recovery

The state of Florida will receive $615.9 million in assistance from the federal government to help the areas that were hit hard by Hurricane Irma recover. The money has been earmarked to assist residents with housing, business losses as well as damaged or destroyed infrastructure such as bridges, sidewalks and roads. However, these federal funds […]

NC Rate Bureau Asks for 18.7 Percent Rate Hike for Homeowners Insurance

29 Nov
North Carolina Home Insurance Rates

The North Carolina Insurance Commissioner, Mike Causey recently announced that the North Carolina Rate Bureau would request a statewide average increase in homeowners insurance of 18.7 percent for 2018. The NC Rate Bureau works in conjunction with the insurance companies in the state and the NC Department of Insurance will rule on the request. This […]

How Fire Damage is Handled by Homeowners Insurance Companies

24 Oct
Home fires and homeowners insurance coverage protection

The fires in California have killed at least 41 people, burned roughly 217,000 acres and completely destroyed 5,700 structures. While there is no way to put a completely accurate figure on the damages just yet, State Sen. Mike McGuire said in a recent interview that damage could easily exceed $3 billion. We thought this might […]

Items New Homeowners May Not Understand About Insurance

19 Oct
Great home insurance tips for new home buyers and homeowners.

Purchasing a home is one of the biggest commitments the majority of us will ever make and in most cases it is our biggest asset. While most new homeowners are aware they need to protect their home with a homeowners insurance policy, there can be issues with insurance that new homeowners are not aware of […]

The True Cost of Homeownership

12 Oct
Homeownership Cost and Home Buying Tips

Homeownership comes with a variety of advantages. You are investing in a property and gaining equity instead of forking over rent to a landlord every month, you have a house you can call your own as well as a pretty nice tax deduction every year. However, it’s not all upside when it comes to homeownership […]

Does the association’s insurance cover hurricane damages to building exteriors?

27 Sep
St. Petersburg Florida Condo Insurance

Since Hurricane Irma, we have received a number of questions regarding homeowners insurance and what is covered. We thought this week we would look at the question of who pays for damage to the outside of a condominium building and whose insurance covers any damage done to the interior of a unit. This issue came […]

Hurricane Harvey Acts as a Wake-Up Call for California Homeowners

21 Sep
California homeowners and earthquake insurance

According to a recent article in the Los Angeles Times, footage of the damage done by Hurricane Harvey should act as a wake-up call for South California. Harvey is an excellent example of the type of extensive damage and life changing impact that a major weather or earthquake event can have on community. “Both natural […]

Hurricane Irma’s Top Home Insurance Questions & Tips

12 Sep
Homeowners Questions After Hurricane Irma

Hurricane Irma and Harvey have done billions of dollars in damage and if your home was uninsured when the storm hit, you will be on the hook for the cost of rebuilding. In the days leading up to the storms hitting, most insurers stopped writing homeowner and car insurance polices in the areas most likely […]