Tag Archives: inspection

What is wind mitigation and 4 point inspection and where can i get them done?

11 Apr
home inspection homeowners policy

Recently we received an intriguing question in our online chat feature and thought we would address in this weeks article. A customer asked for an explanation of a 4-Point Inspection as well as wind mitigation. Let’s have a look at both of them. The 4-Point Inspection While a 4 Point inspection can be required in […]

Do I need a home inspection to get homeowners policy?

29 May
Do I need a home inspection to get homeowners policy?

Homeowner’s insurance will protect you from a variety of losses and damage. Everything from fire, theft, storm damage and injuries on your property will be covered by your policy. In order to provide this protection, insurers rely on an accurate assessment of your home. They have to take into account all risks associated with your […]