Tag Archives: insurance

How to Save Money on Your Electricity Bill Using Smart Home Appliances

25 Apr
Using Smart Home Appliances

Smart home appliances have really come into their own in the last few years, growing in popularity as they become smarter, making life easier for homeowners while also helping them save money. Smart home appliances have moved from simply making life a bit easier to actually helping homeowners put money back in their pocket. We […]

Will Florida Legislators Stop Insurance Fraud

22 Jan
Florida Homeowners Insurance Claim Reform

As the new year takes off, insurance companies do not seem confident that Florida lawmakers will be able to pass legislation that will help fight insurance fraud, which is currently the insurance industry’s most important issue. So far a solution to the problem has eluded Florida lawmakers mainly because insurance companies and trial lawyer groups […]

How Fire Damage is Handled by Homeowners Insurance Companies

24 Oct
Home fires and homeowners insurance coverage protection

The fires in California have killed at least 41 people, burned roughly 217,000 acres and completely destroyed 5,700 structures. While there is no way to put a completely accurate figure on the damages just yet, State Sen. Mike McGuire said in a recent interview that damage could easily exceed $3 billion. We thought this might […]

Hurricane Irma’s Top Home Insurance Questions & Tips

12 Sep
Homeowners Questions After Hurricane Irma

Hurricane Irma and Harvey have done billions of dollars in damage and if your home was uninsured when the storm hit, you will be on the hook for the cost of rebuilding. In the days leading up to the storms hitting, most insurers stopped writing homeowner and car insurance polices in the areas most likely […]

Despite Last Year’s Hurricane Damage, Insurance Companies Sticking with Florida Homeowners

13 Jul
Florida home insurance companies and rates

Roughly a decade ago hurricane Charley, Francis, Ivan and Jeanne hit the coast of Florida in one year and caused $45 billion in property damage. As a result many of the nations largest insurance companies pulled out of the Florida market altogether. There were a number of years before they returned, and premiums were definitely […]