Tag Archives: mortgage payments

Does Covid-19 mortgage forbearance affect my credit?

19 Aug

As the pandemic wreaked havoc on the people’s lives and the economy, mortgage forbearance was often the best option for homeowners struggling to cover their monthly bills. It helped millions of people stay in their homes, despite losing their job and income.  Unfortunately, a few months later, the pandemic is still raging out of control […]

Should You Refinance? Mortgage Rates Slide Below 3%

22 Jul

As mortgage rates slide to their lowest levels in years, many experts are recommending that homeowners consider refinancing their homes. The thirty-year fixed-rate mortgage is now averaging less than 3 percent in many areas, which could offer major savings to homeowners carrying higher interest rates. A new report from Fannie Mae, says the majority of […]

What to Ask Your Lender Before Deferring Payment

27 May

As unemployment rates continue to rise, many Americans are having a difficult time paying their mortgage. In many cases, lenders are offering assistance to their customers, making it possible to defer your mortgage payment.  The process may vary depending on your lender, so it makes sense to ask questions and fully understand the process and […]

Mortgage Payment Relief 2020: Tips & Questions

21 Apr

Homeowners across the country are suffering as unemployment climbs across all industries, making it difficult for many homeowners to cover all of their bills. The Federal government, as well as some private mortgage companies are offering a bit of help by allowing some homeowners to apply for mortgage relief. While this sounds great, there can […]

New Mortgage Relief for New Jersey Homeowners During Coronavirus Crisis

15 Apr

Aerial view of Atlantic City, New Jersey, overlooking Atlantic City Boardwalk and pier. In a recent announcement, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy revealed the details of a 90-day grace period for mortgage payments for all New Jersey homeowners that have been financially impacted by the outbreak of the coronavirus. This will allow New Jersey residents […]

Is this a good time to consider refinancing to a lower rate?

18 Mar

Mortgage rates have hit a record low after the US Federal Reserve drop rates to help combat the economic impact from the spread of the coronavirus. This can be a good time to consider refinancing to a lower rate and taking advantage of the savings a cheaper interest rate can provide. Recently, the average interest […]

Is an FHA loan a great option for first-time homebuyers?

31 Jan

FHA loans can be a great option for first-time homebuyers. They often offer a fantastic interest rate as well as a lower down payment requirement. Due to the fact that these loans are backed by the Federal Housing Administration, interest rates can drop down as low as 3.5 percent. While a traditional mortgage usually requires […]