If you have recently paid off your mortgage or bought a house for cash, you may be considering dropping your homeowners insurance. While dumping your homeowners insurance will certainly put a few bucks in your pocket every month, in the long run it can be a very dangerous gamble. The majority of us don’t have the […]
Tag Archives: rates
Pennsylvania sets up new system to find, buy private flood insurance
In the last year Pennsylvania homeowners have seen the cost of flood insurance continually rise. Luckily, the state is working to help homeowners find more affordable flood policies. After the 2011 floods in Dauphin County, flood maps were redrawn which puts some homeowners who had previously not fallen within flood boundaries, into a floodplain. This […]
Homeowners Insurance: Liability for Pet Owners
Americans love their pets, according to a recent survey by the American Pet Products Association, roughly 80 million homes have at least one pet. Dogs tend to be the big winner in the pet wars. In 2014, a total of 54 million households in the U.S. had a dog as a pet. While pets are […]
Texas Insurance Gets More Expensive For Homeowners
Texas is currently the third most expensive state for homeowners insurance in the nation. Annual premiums average roughly $1,745 a year. Unfortunately those costs are set to climb even higher in the near future. Statistics released from The Texas Department of Insurance shows that the average premium for homeowner’s insurance policy climbed more than 26% […]
Top 3 Ways to Save Money on Florida Homeowners Insurance
While home insurance in Florida is expensive, it doesn’t have to be a budget buster. Here are a few tips on how to save money on your homeowners insurance policy: Shop Around: Shopping your coverage is one of the best ways to keep your premium affordable. Experts recommend shopping your insurance on an annual basis. […]
Federal Flood Insurance policy increases are hitting homeowners hard
On April 1st, the National Flood Insurance Program started issuing new rates on personal flood insurance policies and premiums are headed up for most homeowners The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is in charge of managing the program and claims the premium increases are necessary to get the program back on solid footing. The program […]
The Average Cost of Homeowner Insurance. Are You Paying Too Much?
In the last couple of years the cost of homeowners insurance has been going up for just about everyone. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) found that nationwide, premiums jumped up 7.6 percent in 2011 and another 5.7 percent in 2012. This translates into a $137 bump in just two years. Where You Live […]
Home Insurance Policy Pointers for Prospective Buyers in Mobile (Alabama)
Mobile is the third most populous city in Alabama and is an industrial, financial, commercial, and cultural powerhouse of the state. The many jobs at the port, shipping yard, aeronautical complex, retail and technology sectors, and the healthcare industry of Mobile attract people from all over the country to this city. Many newcomers who choose […]