Tag Archives: saving money

Homeowners Now Use This Strategy To Save Money on Home Insurance. Is It a Good Idea?

26 Mar

According to a new Market Watch article, homeowners who are struggling with the cost of higher homeowner insurance premiums are making the move to policies with higher deductibles to help lower their costs. While this strategy may work for some, it is not the best idea for everyone.  Data from the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) showed […]

Seniors & Low Credit Scores Pay More for Home Insurance

17 Aug

According to a recent report by Matic a leading insurtech platform, increasing homeowner insurance premium impact homeowners who have a FICO score below 580 disproportionally. In addition, senior homeowners are more likely to be overpaying for coverage.  Matic, which launched in 2017 has been collecting and analyzing data as they have been selling home, auto […]

What is a new mortgage refinance fee?

11 Sep

As interest rates continue to hit new lows, many homeowners have considered refinancing their mortgage. If you fall into this category, it is best to get the process started if you want to avoid a new mortgage refinance fee that is being rolled out by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored mortgage giants who […]

How to Cut Your Expenses and Shore Up Your Finances

28 Jul

The end of the extra $600 per week unemployment benefit will happen this week if Congress doesn’t manage to pass an extension and that could be a huge problem for many families. Over the last few months, Americans who qualify for unemployment insurance have received an extra $600 a week in federal assistance on top […]

I can’t pay for home and auto insurance, what do I do?

29 Apr

If you have lost your job, seen your hours cut or are simply struggling to pay your bills during the pandemic you are not alone. Millions of people have had to skip payments on everything from mortgages and auto payments to their insurance bills.  The insurance industry, as well as some state insurance departments are […]