Ways To Keep Your Home and Car Safe From Thieves This Summer

According to FBI statistics, in 2014, there were an estimated 1,729,806 burglaries and 689,527 motor vehicle thefts.
A claim on your auto or homeowners insurance is one of the best ways to jack up your premium. Insurers frown on claims and in almost all cases, your insurance costs will be headed up if you make a claim on your policy, especially if it is a major claim.
Unfortunately, there is a good chance you will have to make a claim on your home or auto insurance at some point in your lifetime. According to FBI statistics, in 2014, there were an estimated 1,729,806 burglaries and 689,527 motor vehicle thefts. If you are a victim of theft or burglary, one of the many downsides is more expensive insurance.
According to statistics, summer time is the peak season for property crimes. Property crimes shoot up over summer thanks to open garage doors and windows as well as the fact that many people are gone on vacation, leaving their home vacant.
While there is no way to 100 percent prevent a burglary or auto theft, there are things that you can do to reduce your risk. Here are just a few tips to keep your home and car safe this summer and your insurance policy claim free.
Keeping Your Home Safe
Here are a few tips to keep burglars out of your home this summer:
- Install deadbolt locks on all outside doors, push button locks are very easy for a burglar to open.
- Light up the exterior of your house using floodlights and motion detectors. Light is the enemy of burglars who depend on the cover of darkness to conduct their business.
- Never post your travel plans on social media as tech savvy burglars use social networking sites to find people that will be out of town. Wait until you are back to post those vacation photos.
- Fido is your friend, burglars don’t like dogs so if you have a pooch, make sure anyone coming to your home is aware of their presence.
- Adding a home security system not only deters burglars, it may result in a discount on your insurance premium.
- Use a wooden rod to put in the track on any sliding doors when you are not at home. These types of doors are an easy entry point, a wooden rod cut to size will prevent the door from moving.
- It should go without saying, but make sure all doors and windows are locked when you go out, even if it’s just for a quick errand.
- Always keep your garage door shut, this is an easy entry point for burglars and an open garage door makes a quick grab and dash of power tools and other equipment in the garage an easy target.
- Have neighbors collect mail and newspapers, an overflowing mailbox and a driveway full of newspapers is a sure sign someone is not home.
Keeping Your Car Safe
A claim on your auto insurance due to burglary, theft or vandalism will absolutely raise your rates. All of these issues are covered under the comprehensive part of your policy so if you are not carrying comprehensive the cost to replace or repair your vehicle will fall to you.
Here are a few tips to keep your vehicle safe:
- Again, it should go without saying but never leave your keys in the car or your car running (regardless of how cold it is outside) as this is just asking a thief to boost your ride.
- Roll up your windows and close the sunroof even if the vehicle is parked in your driveway. Even a barely cracked window can leave a car thief the opening they need.
- Adding lo-jack or a theft deterrence system to your vehicle will keep it safe and can result in a significant insurance discount.
- Do not hide an extra key on your vehicle. A magnetic key-hiding box is not going to fool an experienced car thief and will only make it easier for them to steal it.
- A steering wheel lock will not stop a determined thief but it may persuade them to move onto the next car that doesn’t have one.
- According to auto theft statistics, over two thirds of car thefts happen at night. Always park your car in a well-lit place.
- Never leave valuables on the front seat or in any visible location. This will only entice a thief to choose your vehicle.
Hopefully these tips will help keep both your home and car safe this summer.