Get multiple home insurance quotes in 35447. Our licensed 35447, AL agents are ready to serve you.

35447 Home Insurance Rates & Premiums

Did you know there are over 3,078 people living within the 35447 zip code area? There are over 1,247 occupied dwellings which means many homeowners like you that are interested in lower premiums or better coverage options. At, we provide a free shopping services online or over the phone. Our process includes the following:

  1. We will shop up to 12 home insurance companies for free.
  2. We will apply all discounts and credits to help you save up to 40% or more.
  3. We will answer any questions that you may.
  4. We will review the best policy and coverage option in 35447.

Let us help you shop and compare rates today, just enter your zip code to get your free online home insurance quotes. Please give us a call now at 1-855-976-2656, and easily get up to 12 rates over the phone in minutes.

Average homeowners insurance premiums in Alabama are on the rise. The estimated average premium is around $1,114 a year for a standard homeowners insurance policy in Carrollton. You can find out more information about home insurance premiums, discounts and crime rate information by clicking your city below.

City: Carrollton, AL Homeowners Insurance Quotes Online

35447 Home Insurance Average Premiums

Local 35447 homeowners insurance quotes comparison

$864 /yr.

Shows Zip Code: 35447 lowest rates with discounts applied on average.

For the 35447, homeowners insurance rates may vary on deductible, coverage amount and property details. Below is a list of the averages based on the cost of an annual home insurance premium.

Coverage Amount:Annual Premium
1800 sq. ft. or below
(discounts applied)
$864 /yr.
Average Coverage:$1114 /yr.
2600 sq. ft. or higher
(all discounts applied)
$1414 /yr.

What is the average home insurance cost for a home in 35447?

  • • The average homeowners insurance premium paid annually for a home in 35447 is around $1114 per year.

What does it cost on average per month for home insurance in 35447?

  • • Homeowners in 35447 pay a monthly average cost per month around $93.00.

What kind of discount could I get if I combine my home and auto insurance together in 35447?

  • • Autoowners in 35447 can receive a 20% to 25% discount if they own a home and would like to group or bundle their car and home insurance together with one insurance company.

For shopping home insurance rates within the Carrollton area, check out other zip codes nearby 35447.
Review average rates in another zip code:
35447 homeowners insurance rates

Home Replacement Cost Coverage in 35447

Average Building Cost Per Square Foot in 35447: $104

Location: Carrollton, Alabama (Pickens County)

Average Square Footage in 35447: 1,142 Sq. Ft.

When building or updating a home, it's always good to review the average cost per square foot to build in 35447 before you start any project. Carrollton homeowners pay on average around $104 per square foot to build a home. Another great reason to know the average cost to build is for your homeowners insurance policy. A standard homeowners policy will help you cover the replacement cost of your home due a fire or any other named perils on your policy. Calculating your dwelling coverage for your home in 35447 is extremely helpful when estimating how much replacement cost coverage you need. We highly recommend that you have enough dwelling coverage to rebuild your home if it was destroyed by a covered peril.

Here is how you determine your replacement cost. If we take an average home in 35447 and want to estimated the dwelling coverage, than we will need the square footage of the home which is 1,142 sq. ft. and the average cost to rebuild the home in this area is around $104 per square foot would be considered a base estimate cost. These two numbers would allow us to generate the replacement cost needed for an average size home in the Carrollton area. If the home is new or has been upgraded, you will want to add $50 to $100 or more per square foot to equally cover the replacement cost to restore a home back to it's original condition.

Home Improvement StatusPrice per Sq. Ft.Square FeetDwelling Coverage
Basic Home Features$1041,142$118,800
Additional Upgrades & Added Features$1301,142$148,500
Major Home Updates or Advancements$1561,142$178,200

It's important to understand that when you estimate your replacement cost of your home in the 35447 zip code area, it will be the cost to replace the structure of your home, not the additional value of the property that is factored in when purchasing a new home.

Best Homeowners Insurance Agencies in 35447

Best Home & Auto Insurance Agencies in 35447

Housing Demographics for 35447

Population Review for 35447 Zip Code

For the city of Carrollton, the population within 35447 has increased to over 3,025 residents in population size. The current population total is 3,078. We have broken down the population based on race below. In 35447, there are over 1542 in male population and 1536 females.

Total Population3,078
White Population1398
Black Population1413
Hispanic Population180
Asian Population5
Hawaiian Population0
Indian Population6
Other Population163
Male Population1542
Female Population1536
Population Estimate3025

Household Data for 35447

The average number of homes in 35447 is around 1,247, there are an average of 2.34 per household. The average house value according to local real estate values is around $118,800. Please review the following demographics below for average income and media age.

Housing / Income DataValues
Households Per Zipcode1,247
Persons Per Household2.34
Average House Value$118,800
Income Per Household$39635
Median Age42.5
Median Age Male40.8
Median Age Female44.5
35447 DetailsValues
State Full NameAlabama
City TypeP
City Alias Abbreviation
Area Code205/659
County FIPS107
State FIPS01
Time Zone6
Day Light SavingY
CBSA_NameTuscaloosa, AL
DivisionEast South Central
Economic & Growth ReviewValues
Number Of Businesses48
Number Of Employees432
Business First Quarter Payroll3660
Business Annual Payroll15687
Business Employment Flag
Growth Rank0
Growth Housing Units 2003
Growth Housing Units 2004
Growth Increase Number0
Growth Increase Percentage0.0
Metropolitan DetailsValues
CBSA Population219461
CBSA Division Population0
Congressional District03|03|07
Congressional LandArea7543.86|12754.48|10156.13
Delivery Residential1293
Delivery Business46
Delivery Total1561
Preferred Last Line KeyY10199
Classification Code
CSA Name
City State KeyY10199
Land Area141.087000
Water Area3.646000
City Alias Code
City Mixed CaseCarrollton
City Alias Mixed CaseCarrollton
Box Count161
State ANSI01
County ANSI107
ZIP Intro
Alias Intro
Facility CodeP
City Delivery IndicatorN
Carrier Route Rate SortationC
Finance Number011450
Unique ZIP Name
SSA State County Code01530
Medicare CBSA Code46220
Medicare CBSA NameTuscaloosa, AL
Medicare CBSA TypeMetro
Market Rating Area ID13
County Mixed CasePickens

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